How to pick a name for youtube channel ?

This post is about how to select or pick a YouTube channel name, what is process to pick YouTube channel name.

When I started my YouTube channel, I had a tough time picking the right name for it. I wanted something that’s easy for my friends and family to remember and find me on YouTube, but I also wanted some keywords that would help people looking for my channel on search engines.

I decided to call my channel Stay Focused. It’s not catchy or creative, but it’s simple and easy to remember. It also helps people searching for tips on how to stay focused with their own video projects.

Pick a name that’s simple, easy to remember and conveys a clear message about your content. Don’t worry if it doesn’t sound cool or sexy; you can always change it later if your brand changes direction over time or grows into something bigger than what you initially planned.

The process of picking a name for your YouTube channel is not always easy. It's important to give this some thought, because it can be hard to change it later on. I have been asked many times what my thoughts are on choosing a YouTube channel name and in this video I share my insight into the process.

The first thing you need to consider when picking a name for your YouTube channel is whether or not you want to use your real name. This is something I recommend for those who want to create a personal brand that is associated with their real life identity.

This is how I started out with my YouTube channel, because I was posting videos about the things I do in my daily life and wanted people to be able to find me easily online.

For example, if you're a makeup artist, fashion stylist or hairdresser, using your real name as your YouTube channel name might make sense. My sister has a YouTube channel where she posts videos about her life as a hair stylist and she uses her own name as her channel name.

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